SEO is another term for search engine optimization. Both refer to a practice of associating words and terms along with particular results’ pages on engines such as Google, MSN, Bing, and Yahoo. While lots of elements are associated to SEO, constructing and implementing content related to words and terms is one of the core practices.…

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  Got a brand-new mobile app that needs marketing? I wish I could say there’s an app for that, but for in-residence search engine marketing managers, marketing a brand-new mobile app involves a lot of the same elbow grease and detailed, tactical campaign work as a search engine marketing campaign. The App’s (Finally) Approved After…

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Interesting case study of Dominos Pizza’s Local SEO strategy

Notice exactly how Dominos makes it to the top once you look for Pizza in regional SEOsource: Click for more

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Rockettheme templates. Please beware of…..

I am quite a fan of  Rockettheme, but you have to keep something in mind. Rockettheme templates creates astonishing templates but it has a downside. You can customize almost everything,and here is the problem. Because it is so adjustable it is not quite newbie friendly. It is powered by the gantry framework, so you have…

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