Category Archives: IT-stuff

In this category I will post some techie stuff related to webdesigners and system administrators

Clean up Windows PC or laptop

We all recognize this…… Over a period of time your Windows PC gets slower……. and slower……. and slower….. Until the moment you want to throw it out of the Window. Is doing that the right solution ? Need to reinstall ? Nope. Just follow these steps to make it back lighting fast, when you got…

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Cryptolocker and other Ransomware

                  Last year we had a lot more than usual load of virus attacks. Many of my clients and friends had the scare of the year. We are talking about the Crypto Locker virus, which is found in many forms. 2016 is also known as the year…

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Move inetpub folder including Plesk

I tried to do a move with my Windows Server and IIS 8.5 installed on it, together with Plesk. I found a few scripts which you can use to move inetpub folder to D:\inetpub. After trying this on a live server, where I used Xcopy, updated registry files , moved Plesk to the apropiate vhosts…

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