Rockettheme templates. Please beware of…..

I am quite a fan of  Rockettheme, but you have to keep something in mind.

Rockettheme templates creates astonishing templates but it has a downside. You can customize almost everything,and here is the problem. Because it is so adjustable it is not quite newbie friendly. It is powered by the gantry framework, so you have to install the theme on top of the framework. All the costumization is done in the framework and it takes a very long time to set up and understand it.

You have to fight through tons of documentation to understand it, or clicking through the template settings. Then you think you have found the setting, click apply and save and after checking to see the results, it doesn’t show up . Why ? you have to make the adjustment on another place in the framework.

Then you think. OK. I change it in the base outline and then I am good to go. Wrong. Because if you made another page, it is not in the base outline anymore, but on that page.

So is it good to buy from them ????

Absolutely……. if you are a professional website builder. You can change absolutely everything. it is highly flexible and beautiful, but it is not for the majority of us.

So what can you use instead if you want to have a great looking website?

Well, the one I like very much is Elegantthemes

It have even builder inside to quickly create your own site, they have very beautiful templates, easy to set up and they are not expensive.

Click on the picture below to find out more.





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